Month: August 2022

588. Replies to comments

I apologize in advance if I am slow replying to comments. Making these last few posts has really taxed my emotional bandwidth. I do appreciate your comments and thank you for reading. I will try to respond to them when my mind is feeling sturdier.

587. Trauma Brain, Hypervigilance, and Worrying about what other people think

In a few of my recent posts, I have alluded to changes in progressively liberal views and within my local community. I've been thinking about why I find aspects of these to be unsettling for over a year now. I have abandonment issues. Part of how I became a sub is because I wanted to … Continue reading 587. Trauma Brain, Hypervigilance, and Worrying about what other people think

586. Submission, Submissive Mental Space, and Dissociation

As I have progressed down this journey of working on my mental health, I've had a few things open up in new ways to view them. I have come to strongly believe that submissive mental space is a form of dissociation. That is, the shift in personality, thought process, morality, priority structure, and behavior that … Continue reading 586. Submission, Submissive Mental Space, and Dissociation

585. Thoughts on Femdom and Political Correctness

I'm a bit rusty on gathering my thoughts well enough to write them out, but I'm going to give it a shot and hopefully hit publish without deleting this first. The more time I spend immersed in the in-person local community, the more that I have become aware that there are social shifts happening, evolving … Continue reading 585. Thoughts on Femdom and Political Correctness