Tag: 30 days

100. The 30 Days are over

Well, 30 days of kink went out with a topic I didn't really care to do: Write or create a list of whatever BDSM/kink related thing you want. I sort of defeated the purpose of the prompts by finishing all of them and scheduled them for future posting.  Now that all 59 posts have been … Continue reading 100. The 30 Days are over

99. 30 Days of submission: Day 30

Is your need to submit being met?  No.  It used to be, but not currently. If not, or if your situation changed, do you think that you could continue in your life and still be happy/content if you were never able to express your submission in the way that feels best to you again?  I … Continue reading 99. 30 Days of submission: Day 30

90. 30 Days of Kink: Day 27

Do your non-kink interests ever find their way into your kinky activities? If so, how? Hooray for vague.  Yes and no? Being fairly well-read and having seen a lot of movies and television comes in handy. Having dexterous musician hands helps with... things. I generally keep my interests compartmentalized and separate.  When I feel submissive … Continue reading 90. 30 Days of Kink: Day 27